💡 I have a blog and I post to it consistently
✔️ Using topics my audience wants and needs to hear
✔️ Using good keywords for SEO
✔️ Providing great information that establishes my credibility
💡 I maintain no more than four social media accounts
✔️ I consistently post updates
✔️ I consistently respond to my readers and encourage conversation
✔️ I make use of YouTube on a consistent basis
✔️ I stay up-to-date on new social networks my target audience uses
💡 I have created and hosted my “go-to” webinar presentation
💡 I am actively seeking out public speaking opportunities in
✔️ My local area
✔️ Niche conferences my audience is likely to attend
✔️ Meetup and business networking groups
✔️ Online conferences and telesummits
💡 I have brainstormed a book idea my audience will love
✔️ I have outlined my book
✔️ I have committed to writing for at least 30 minutes every day until the book is finished
💡 My email marketing system is solid, with:
✔️ Timely autoresponders designed to inform and engage readers
✔️ Occasional sales emails
✔️ A regular newsletter
💡 I actively seek out opportunities for in-person networking, such as
✔️ Local business get-togethers
✔️ Niche conferences
✔️ Area Meetup groups
✔️ Chamber of Commerce meetings
✔️ Volunteer opportunities
💡 I offer free consultations to
✔️ Get to know potential clients
✔️ Eliminate the “tire kickers”
💡 My sales funnel is strong, with clearly defined
✔️ Free product offers (my blog, social media, etc)
✔️ Opt-in offers
✔️ Low-cost products
✔️ Mid-range products
✔️ High-cost products and services
💡 I have a series of well-planned special offers for every occasion
✔️ One-time-offers for buyers
✔️ Cross promotions in my cart and on my download pages
✔️ Upsell offers in my cart
✔️ Downsell offers for those who do not buy
💡 My shopping cart makes me look professional in every way, including
✔️ Seamless handling of product delivery
✔️ Multiple ways to pay
✔️ Easy refunds and credits
✔️ Coupons, bundles, and other special offers
💡 My customer support is top-notch, with
✔️ Well-developed FAQ pages
✔️ Thoughtful follow-up messages for buyers
✔️ A help-desk to resolve issues quickly
About Shanna A. Jefferson
Hey there Entrepreneur!
I’m Shanna and I understand your journey as an aspiring or emerging entrepreneur in building your business and brand.
As a Mental Health Therapist and Business Coach, I teach entrepreneurs how to plan, strategize and monetize💰 their vision without sacrificing their mental health🧠. I aim to serve as a beacon of hope, light, change, and Greatness!

Text "Visionary" to 77948 to schedule a Discovery Call.