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National Women's Small Business Month: Meet Tiberia Morris

Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience.

I am Tiberia Morris, founder of EmergHer. I help women by teaching them how to build or rebuild their confidence from the inside out allowing them to transform how they see themselves without compromising who they are authentically.

Confidence comes not from what you do, but rather who you are. With 6 years of experience in the adult learning and development career and more than 13 years in the tax and accounting industry I decided to take all those skills and help women build and manifest who they truly are.

Who or what inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?

My uncle Kelvin. This man showed me that a business that serves purpose and others will always yield something greater for ourselves and the legacy that the generation after me can build their life upon.

Tell the Visions of Greatness audience more about your products/services.

EmergHer covers group and one-on-one coaching services to help women build or rebuild their confidence to win in every area of their life. We put together plans and strategies that will help you accomplish goals that you feel are unattainable. We also offer online self guided courses for those who would rather do the self service option.

What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the pandemic?

This pandemic in all honesty has open me up to really using the skill sets of my full-time career to build out the EmergHer brand. Launching EmergHer Confidence and coaching program propelled me into doing what I love and that is helping women WIN and EMERGE.

So the only adjustment that I had to do build a system with my time so that business and full-time employment got the right portion of time and attention from me.

What advice would you give to women struggling to balance their life and business?

1. Use your calendar

2. Set “ME TIME” on your calendar daily

3. Do a task list and mark off what you complete. This gives you a sense of accomplishment

4. Meditate and Pray daily

Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success.

Invest in yourself by learning a new skill and also invest 20 hours a week into sharpening the skills you have.

How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you?

You can connect with me on Facebook, Instagram and SnapChat @ Tiberia Morris


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