Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience.
I am the founder of Queen Up Inc. I am the mother of five which one lives in heaven. I came from a medical background. After losing my son in 2006, I was just existing until I decided to birth Queen Up and coach parents like me with my Mommies of Angels support group which turned into a big annual celebration recognizing angel parents and letting them share their stories.
Who or what inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship?
Seeing parents like me trying to figure out what to do next after all the visits haves ceased, the calls get fewer, and they were finally alone. That’s when everything really sinks in that the life you have lived will never be the same.

Tell the Visions of Greatness audience more about your products/services.
I offer grief coaching, help my parents plan events of remembrance of their angel, and also cater to the siblings that, somehow, we forget are hurting just as much as we are.
What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the pandemic?
Like everyone else in the world we have to get used to what maybe is our new normal. Let’s hope not, though. But I started doing Sunday Facebook lives with an Angel parent and we share our story and love on each other. I also run our monthly meeting on Zoom. This year our big celebration will be via Zoom also but everyone will still receive their tokens of love from me.
What advice would you give to women struggling to balance their life and business?
Don’t forget that you matter!! Take some time for you because if you’re not 100% then your life and business will not be either. Don’t forget to just exhale.
Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success.
Nothing I do is about me. When I want to give up, I remember each day sadly, there is a parent that may be contacting me soon.
How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you?
Facebook: Queen Up
Instagram: @Queenup_7
Email: queenup7@gmail.com
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