This journey as a business owner and entrepreneur will have you questioning many things...but always remember this…
🎤 The power of obedience, believing in you, having faith, demonstrating perseverance, never giving up, stepping out of your comfort zone, and giving credit to the Most High is life-changing.-Shanna A. Jefferson
What a ride this has been!
Six months from today, I will celebrate 10 years as a Full-Time Business Owner!
Mark your calendars for February 25, 2023. Details forthcoming.

But until then…I have some unfinished business!
✅Show entrepreneurs how to invest in their mental wealth and personal development with our Mental Wellness Checkups, “Monetize Your Vision” Intensive, and the Visions of Greatness Academy
✅Help an additional 50 mental health professionals start or scale their practice through our “Beyond The Couch” intensive
✅Share my entrepreneurial journey along with amazing contributing authors in Volume II of The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship
✅Hire an additional clinician and team member for my private practice
✅Host Business Retreat
✅Recognize 10 special people who have demonstrated a commitment to my vision
📱Stay connected by texting Visionary to 888-365-4375!
Let’s WIN together!