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Writer's picture Shanna A. Jefferson

Visionary Spotlight: Micaela "Cae" Thomas

In celebration of Small Business Month, we are elated to shine the spotlight on visionary entrepreneurs across the United States thanks to our Visionary Sponsor, SwagHer Magazine and Media!

Today, we introduce you to Micaela "Cae" Thomas!

Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience. Yes, Hello! My name is Micaela "Cae" Thomas. Author of STRIPPED TO MY TRUTH: UNPACKING THE EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE. I am also a Speaker and Healing Coach.

Who or what inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship? Being able to help, motivate and inspire others is what lead me to pursue Entrepreneurship. Sharing my gifts the way I want and need to without anyone placing stipulations on them. There are a lot of greats that have inspired me. From Tyler Perry to Maya Angelou, Iyanla Vanzant to Lisa Nichols and even Kevin Hart to Beyonce Knowles. They live in their truth perfectly flawed and without limitation. Their journeys have inspired me to travel mine.

Tell the Visions of Greatness audience more about your products/services.

Absolutely! My products and services include my book STRIPPED TO MY TRUTH: UNPACKING THE EMOTIONAL BAGGAGE, my upcoming journals and workbooks. I also have apparel and candles and sage as well. All products assist in promoting healing, wellness, peace, and positive energy. Restoration for your mind, body and spirit. I am also a Speaker and Healing Coach. Sharing my own journey and success in healing and manifestation, while assisting others in navigating their own paths.

Let's switch gears briefly and discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the pandemic started? Self-care is definitely one that comes to mind. The pandemic has us all re-thinking how we do things, how we live life and how we go about our goals and dreams. Implementing self-care, for me, where there wasn't any, made a huge difference and impact. I was so used to being on the move night and day and taking care of others that I forgot about me. So during the course of this pandemic, I have learned to place myself in park and ensure that I give myself a little love, too.

What advice would you give to entrepreneurs struggling to balance their life and business? I would say to pace yourself. As the saying goes, Rome was not built in a day. The amount of work you overwhelm and overload yourself with does not change the winning result at the end. The victory is still yours, but there's no sense in exhausting yourself before you make it to the finish line to where you can't enjoy what you've prayed and worked so hard to build. Slow down!

Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success. Be your authentic you! No matter how introverted, extroverted, shy, adventurous, classy or ratchet you may be lol. Be you!! Not only will YOU thank yourself for it, but your relatable audience will, too.

How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you? Yes! Please feel free to send me a message anytime on my website at, via e-mail: or via Facebook, Instagram and TikTok @Strippedtomytruth on all platforms.

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