In celebration of Small Business Month, we are elated to shine the spotlight on visionary entrepreneurs across the United States thanks to our Visionary Sponsor, SwagHer Magazine and Media!
Today, we introduce you to Laurinda Andujar!
Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience. Doula, Poetess, songbird, transformational leadership coach, healer, servant leader, mom, survivor, and grief recovery specialist are a few titles synonymous with the name Laurinda Andujar.

Who is Laurinda Andujar? Great question! Laurinda Andujar is an international speaker and a Florida native taking the world by storm with her dynamic approach to healing lives through personal and professional development. Laurinda is a thought leader who cultivates a culture of collaboration and creativity geared towards building future leaders. Laurinda adamantly believes the world has enough followers. Her sole purpose in life is to leave people better than she found them. How does Laurinda intend to do this? She stated that she accomplished this by having candid conversations centered around taboo topics that keep people stuck in the muck. The conversations tend to be unique to everyone she encounters, yet equally as impactful. In speaking with the folks that Laurinda has connected with, they agree their encounter with Laurinda changed their lives and their lives will never be the same. Laurinda jokes that many have stated, one thing about La, when she says, "we need to talk" and follows with, "this is coming from a place of love," to hold onto your seat because it is about to be a bumpy ride. The outcome is nothing short of amazing.
Although Laurinda never shies away from tackling tough conversations, she always approaches conversations with compassion and mindfulness. One of Laurinda's favorite quotes is, people don't care how much you know until they know how much you care". Laurinda believes allowing people to see the real you will build trusting relationships that last a lifetime. Laurinda speaks openly and candidly about her bouts with mental health issues such as depression and anxiety stemming from childhood trauma. She follows those topics closely with the healing she has achieved, reminding everyone there is purpose in your pain. Laurinda has proven that her dynamic approach to leadership and personal development, has afforded her a seat at some of the most influential tables.
Laurinda has been recognized for her many contributions to personal and professional development by organizations such as The National Coalition of 100 Black Women, The National Diversity Council, Barry University, and others. Laurinda featured in more than 20 magazines, such as SwagHer, Fashion Gxd, Medium, Mogul, US Weekly, New York Business Now, to name a few. Laurinda has had the honor of being featured in New York Times Square. Laurinda has also featured on NBC 33, Fox 44, KEBN Radio, 94.1 The Max. Laurinda shares that her book, She Blinked: The Book of Me, was taught on the radio for 30 days in Dallas, Texas.

Laurinda was influenced by the late Maya Angelou and Bo Didley, whom she met in high school. Laurinda states those encounters shaped her life forever. For that, Laurinda is grateful. She mentions that she doesn't believe in chance encounters and that each of these encounters is destiny and a blessing. She looks forward to meeting YOU!
Who or what inspired you to pursue entrepreneurship? To be honest, a reorganization of my day job was the catalyst for the change. However, there was always a tugging inside of me that knew there had to be more. It was more of a pulling to develop myself and those around me.
Tell the Visions of Greatness audience more about your products/services. I am a serial entrepreneur who focuses on products geared towards personal and professional leadership development. I help people work through personal challenges enabling them to become productive professionals. I am a certified recovery specialist, as well as a certified John Maxwell Team Member. An author and leadership doula.
Let's switch gears briefly and discuss the COVID-19 pandemic. What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the pandemic started? Fortunately before the pandemic i started producing more online events and networking to build lasting relationships. The pandemic taught me how to better streamline my efforts. It also taught me how to leverage those relationships.
What advice would you give to entrepreneurs struggling to balance their life and business? There is no actual work life balance. It looks different for each of us. The goal is to center YOUR universe. That's how you stay on balance.
Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success. Loving myself enough to be authenticity me. The rest comes naturally.

How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you? Google me... kidding... but really. Ig @I_am_laurinda_andujar, FB Laurinda Andujar, LinkedIn. Wisdom App @candidconvoswithLA