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The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship: Meet Racquel Rogers

Introduce yourself to the Visions of Greatness audience.

Hello, Vision of Greatness! I’m Racquel Rogers, the founder of Latte Resume Consulting(LRC). I work with clients that are serious about reaching their ultimate career goal. I have always been passionate about helping others which is why I created LRC, a full career preparation service. I was born and raised in Montgomery, Alabama. I am a graduate of Auburn University with a Bachelor’s degree in Spanish and a graduate of Liberty University with a Master’s degree in Human Services with a minor in Business. Currently, I am pursuing my Ph.D. studies. I am one of the co-authors for The Mental Cost of Entrepreneurship book which was released in July 2019 and author of “Each Day I Renew My Focus On My Career Goal”, “Resume Optimization”, and “Tell Me About Yourself” e-guides. I love helping people go after the career they really want.

What inspired you to share your story as a contributing author?

I was inspired to share my story because starting and having a business takes a lot of leadership and dedication. My journey has been beautiful but it has also been not so pretty. In this book, I shared my journey in hopes of giving others inspiration and a realistic view of entrepreneurship.

Share with the Visions of Greatness audience what has transpired in your life and business since the book release.

Since the release, I’ve had many people reach out to about my story. As I said before I hoped that my story gave insight on the beauty and challenges that I went through in my business and that’s exactly the feedback I received. I gained more clients to help with entrepreneur building and career preparation. I’m so grateful that my story inspired many.

What adjustments have you made in your life and business since the COVID-19 pandemic?

COVID-19 affected everyone in many ways. However, I took this time of “isolation” to reflect on my reaction and action to this pandemic. One thing about running a business is that I found it’s always something that needs to be completed. However, I was limited in doing what I used to do in my business so I got creative and started building on virtual skills I either didn’t have or were limited in. So I grew individually and as a businesswoman during the pandemic.

Share with us one ingredient in your secret sauce for success.

Don’t look at what everyone else is doing. Just be authentically you. No one can steal what you have because you make the brand. The brand doesn’t make you. Just don’t stop! Keep going.

How can the Visions of Greatness audience connect with you?

Connect with Racquel Rogers and Latte Resume Consulting at:

Instagram: @latte_resume_consulting

Facebook: Latte Resume

Twitter: @latteresume


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