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Journey To Dr. Jefferson

You may encounter many defeats, but you must not be defeated. In fact, it may be necessary to encounter the defeats, so you know who you are, what you can rise from, how you can still come out of it.  -Maya Angelou

Celebrating Graduation Day

Thank You!

I must first acknowledge and give all praise to the Most High, the Alpha, and the Omega. For through Him, all things are possible. My Journey To Dr. Jefferson began years before commencing the current program. Instead of folding under immense pressure, I used adversity as fuel to propel me forward. 


To every educator from the classrooms of Allendale, SC to the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, thank you. 


To everyone who has prayed for me and perhaps even preyed on me,  thank you. 


To everyone I have never met who believes in the vision God has bestowed upon me, thank you. 


To my Circle of Greatness, thank you. 


To my forefathers who endured the unimaginable, thank you. 


To my parents, George M. Jefferson and Nancy Jefferson, thank you. Your love, support, and sacrifices have propelled me forward during every season of life and have contributed to the woman I am today. 


My Journey to Dr. Jefferson has certainly been filled with trials and tribulations. This journey to Dr. Jefferson is a testament to my resilience, tenacity, commitment, and unwavering faith. However, to echo the words of Maya Angelou, I will not be defeated. Every hurdle, every setback, and every tear has been a stepping stone towards this pinnacle moment in my life. 


The marathon continues. 

Graduation Hat Throw

Psychotherapist | Business Consultant | Speaker



  • Doctorate of Business Administration, Walden University (Anticipated, December 2023)

  • Master of Social Work, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

  • Bachelor of Public Policy, The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

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