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Shanna's Story

My name is Shanna A. Jefferson. Professionally, I am a Motivational Speaker, Psychotherapist, Author, Life Coach, and Talk Show Host. I recently celebrated an esteemed recognition from Sisters Pushing Sisters International as an “Ordinary Woman Doing Extraordinary Things”.


As the creator of the #LivingBoldlyWithShanna brand, my goal is to inspire and encourage women such as yourself to jump into your destiny and fulfill your purpose in life.

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Get Your Copy of Living Boldly with Shanna Jefferson

Living Boldly comprises 35 timeless principles women (and men) can incorporate into their life and business. It is imperative that as a woman (or man) you exude values and principles that position you to transition adversity and achieve greatness in every aspect of your life.

When the challenges of your journey seem insurmountable, what principles will you rely on to propel your vision forward?

Take the journey today with Shanna A. Jefferson to Manifest Greatness in your Life and Business.

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"Vision is not of the eyes, but the mind."


- Shanna A. Jefferson

In the Spotlight

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Shanna A  Jefferson Converted
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Unleash Your Greatness with Shanna A. Jefferson
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Meet The Authors
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In the Press

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